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The idea that pornography promotes sexism is a commonly purported one. This study employed an online sample of heterosexual men (N = 323) to investigate the relationship between pornography use (in terms of both overall level of pornography use and use of violent and/or humiliating pornography) and old-fashioned and modern sexism. The moderating effects of agreeableness and perceived realism of pornography were also assessed. Level of general pornography use and use of violent and/or humiliating pornography was not predictive of either sexism measure. Agreeableness was negatively predictive of both sexism measures, whereas perceived realism was positively predictive of sexism. Agreeableness and perceived realism did not moderate the relationship between level of pornography use and any of the outcome measures.  相似文献   
习近平主席提出"一带一路"的理念和经济发展战略规划,标志着我国经济发展以及外交事务进入了一个新的历史阶段,但从经济发展的角度看,这个理念把过去经济发展,特别是国家经济联系的点对点的模式拓展成为一个多方合作共赢的立体网状空间,这为新时期经济发展模式拓展了空间和思路。运动休闲产业作为中国的新型产业,过去对西方国家的依赖太重,这个并不受西方技术壁垒的产业之所以难称民族产业,原因在于西方产品与理念在我国市场上占据了先入为主的优势,"一带一路"建设为我国运动休闲产业的发展或者说起飞提供良好的契机,构建"一带一路"运动休闲产业经济带是我国运动休闲产业全面发展的重要基础。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]本文通过对2019年国际数字图书馆联合会议(Joint Conference on Digital Library,JCDL)的录用论文进行整体回顾,梳理了本届年会的最新研究成果与学科发展动态,以助国内图情领域学者更好地了解本届年会成果,把握国际数字图书馆领域研究的前沿热点问题。[研究设计/方法]采用文献综述的方法进行研究。[结论/发现]本届年会更加关注数字图书馆如何通过多源数据的融合、数字人文馆藏资源的利用等实现信息服务深度融合;数字图书馆如何通过海量大数据挖掘与利用、用户行为分析提升其服务水平;如何通过对学术文本资源深入挖掘,实现信息计量学在学术评审、学术评价等方面的创新应用。[创新/价值]本文揭示了国际数字图书馆领域的最新发展态势,展望了未来数字图书馆领域的学术前沿方向。  相似文献   
农村小学全科教师能否在岗位上"留下来"是人们普遍关心的问题。对重庆在职农村小学全科教师的调查发现,人际关系、个人观念、家庭生活、组织支持等因素在其去留之间发挥着平衡、缓冲和调节作用。稳定农村小学全科教师队伍,需要不断改善外部环境,提高其存在感;强化组织支持,提升其获得感;坚定个人信念,提质其价值感。  相似文献   
张洋  庞进京  母丹 《图书情报工作》2021,64(23):141-150
[目的/意义] Altmetrics诞生十周年之际,对其前期发展情况进行总结,有助于推动其往积极方向发展。[方法/过程] 利用文献计量方法进行量化研究以展现Altmetrics领域的总体研究和发展情况;从术语变迁、定义等方面揭示其内涵;提出三种理论假说寻求Altmetrics存在合理性的理论支撑;划分不同阶段梳理其发展程度;分析它与其他学科的关系以明确学科属性及价值。[结果/结论] Altmetrics为计量学提供了一种新思维、新方法;开放科学假说、数字学术假说和学术传承假说符合新环境Altmetrics发展的新特点,有效支撑了Altmetrics的存在与发展;Altmetrics发展迅速,但现阶段处于发展初期,且国内外发展程度存在差异;在辨析与其密切相关学科之间关系的基础上,认为需推动Altmetrics自身学科纵深发展以及加强跨学科的合作研究。  相似文献   
北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会遗产是中国对奥林匹克运动许下的新愿景,这一愿景具体在《北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会遗产战略计划》的7项遗产、35项内容之中得以体现,它们既是对未来遗产的多元创造,也是对既有遗产的夏冬延续。根据历届OGI报告、奥组委官方政策文本与"一续二全三跨"原则,确定北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会遗产的评估要求,并以定量与定性结合分析法、KPIs、风险评估法、成本效益分析法为指引,打造一个凝聚新理念、汇聚新模式、融合新方法的奥运遗产价值评估的"北京方案"。  相似文献   
就业是民生之本、安国之策。体育产业作为国家积极培育的新经济增长点和支柱性产业,不仅要在促进国民经济发展中有所建树,也应在促民生、稳就业方面积极作为。从文本分析入手,阐释和总结了发达国家体育产业就业的概况和共性经验。研究表明:发达国家体育产业主要通过促进产业成长释放更多就业岗位、响应社会需求扩充热门体育职业、利用赛事关照弱势群体锻造劳力、扶持中小企业提升就业吸纳水平等措施扩大了就业渠道,带动了社会就业。最后以此为关照,启发体育产业促进就业的本土实践新思路。  相似文献   
We used data from the 2014–2015 easyCBM assessment system to explore the applied reading intervention characteristics in a sample of 3,074 Grade 1 students (and 5,145 interventions) in school districts applying a multitiered systems of support (MTSS) framework. We describe the number of interventions, number of assessments, the intervention start dates, curricula, instructional strategies, tier, group size, frequency, dosage, total time, and quantitative intensity. We found variance across all instructional variables, with 156 curricula and 59 instructional strategies applied. Based on our data, a “typical” intervention was a Tier 2 intervention that began before October, was delivered for 30 minutes/day for 5 days/week in a group with three to five students, was changed once if at all, and student progress was most likely monitored with word reading fluency measures.  相似文献   
  • The pandemic can be seen as an opportunity to revisit the justification for conferences and how they should be run to avoid elitism, climate impact, and diversity.
  • 2020 saw a wealth of different approaches to events, including financing, technologies, scheduling, and the meaning of the term ‘live’.
  • Engaging attendees and providing networking opportunities are considered the main obstacle to virtual events, but can social networking lessons help resolve – or even improve – this?
  • It may take some time for online event programming to achieve the right balance of flexibility versus ‘buzz’ to meet a conference's key objectives: knowledge sharing and peer interaction.
  • Live broadcasting is on the rise, but the on‐demand video model is gaining popularity as it ensures high‐quality presentation recordings and consistency of experience.
  • Over time, technical challenges of online meetings will resolve, with competition leading to more reasonable pricing, customers becoming savvier, and vendors learning from experience.
采用实地问卷调查法,收集马拉松参赛者在运动参与行为、实物购买行为和人口特征方面的统计数据,使用k-means聚类分析将马拉松消费者细分为资深马拉松追求者、普通马拉松爱好者和社交者三个集群。研究表明,马拉松消费将面临以下挑战:泛娱乐性大于竞技性造成资深消费群体流失,赛事体系层级不清晰造成消费者混淆,赛事运营服务不专业拉低消费意愿,其他户外运动兴起导致消费份额分化,马拉松消费者非理性消费观念广泛存在。预测未来马拉松消费行为发展的六大趋势:以重点人群为目标扩大马拉松消费;科学跑马服务助力消费者持续参与赛事;沉浸体验式消费不断升级;建设马拉松产业载体拓展消费空间;社交媒体互动式消费发挥中介作用;5G开启智能马拉松消费时代。  相似文献   
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